Hanoi (VNA) – The 12th CommunistParty of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee has set a target of reducing at least10 percent of staff of the political system apparatus by 2021 under Resolution18.
The resolution was adopted at the sixth plenarysession of the 12th CPV Central Committee in Hanoi from October 4-11.
It looks to rearrange communal administrativeunits failing to meet 50 percent of national standards on the scale of populationand natural land area and to reduce the number of hamlets and residentialgroups.
The CPV Central Committee also promulgatedResolution 19 reforming the management, improving quality and operationalefficiency of public service institutions.
By 2021, the country aims to reduce 10 percentof public service institutions and 10 percent of their staff receiving Statesalaries, while terminating illegal labour contracts in public serviceinstitutions.
It strives to improve the legal system toinstitutionalise the Party’s guidelines on reforming financial managementmechanisms and organisation of public service institutions in 2025-2030.
By 2025, the country expects to have at least 20percent of financially independent public service institutions and 100 percentof economic and other institutions eligible to become joint stockcompanies.-VNA