Beijing (VNA) – Senior militaryofficers of Vietnam and China have emphasised the need for stronger defenceties to boost mutual understanding and trust during meetings in Beijing.
The delegation of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA),led by Sen. Lt. Gen. Luong Cuong, Secretary of the Communist Party of VietnamCentral Committee, member of the Central Military Commission’s standing boardand Chairman of the VPA’s General Department of Politics, visited China fromJuly 22 to 26.
At a meeting on July 25, Zhang Youxia, Politburomember and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China welcomedthe trip, describing it as a contribution to defence relations between the twocountries, including between the two armies’ political agencies.
He applauded the outcomes of talks between theVietnamese delegation and officers of the Political Work Department of theChinese Central Military Commission, affirming that the two countries’ cooperationhas been reinforced and developed recently.
Defence cooperation, including sharingexperience in Party building and political work, building politically strongarmies and enhancing the Communist Parties’ leadership of each country’s army,is of critical importance, he noted.
Zhang said China and Vietnam are good neighboursand share many similarities. China treasures its relationship with Vietnam andwill boost coordination to solidify ties.
He said defence ties are important, and he wantsthe two sides to foster connections in this field through building cooperationmechanisms, maintaining regular meetings, reviewing and making cooperationplans and working together to defeat hostile forces’ plots to drive a wedgebetween them.
For his part, Luong Cuong reiterated thatVietnam considers China a leading partner and will exert every effort todevelop bilateral friendship.
He voiced his belief that the countries’ defencecooperation, including in Party building and political work, will enjoy newstrides, contributing to relations between the two nations.
On July 24, the Vietnamese delegation had talkswith officers of the Political Work Department of the Chinese Central MilitaryCommission led by Miao Hua, member of the Chinese commission and head of thePolitical Work Department.
Miao Hua emphasised that both China and Vietnamare socialist nations, have similar goals and interests and share certainissues of common concern. Therefore, his country wants to consolidate thetime-tested friendship with Vietnam.
Luong Cuong congratulated the Chinese Party, governmentand people on their achievements in national development and socialismbuilding. He stressed that relations between the two Parties and states havecontinually developed and harvested many important outcomes. Notably, leadershave made mutual visits and meetings through which they agreed to increase discussingstrategies, strengthen political trust and promote the development of theVietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.
At the talks, the two sides agreed that in thecontext of complicated global and regional situations, the two armies need toenhance cooperation and friendship exchanges, thereby deepening mutualunderstanding and trust.
Over the years, bilateral relations have soundlydeveloped. Vietnamese and Chinese leaders have also created favourableconditions for the armies to bolster cooperation and realise the joint visionstatement on defence cooperation until 2025 between the two ministries ofnational defence, they noted.
The two sides agreed on the need to resolvedisagreements by peaceful means on the basis of the agreements reached betweentheir leaders, adding that the armies are taking the lead in implementing thosedeals.-VNA