During the retreat, which took place inBandar Seri Begawan , Brunei on August 28, the ministers talkedways to boost cooperation, especially in defence, within ASEAN andbetween the grouping and its partner countries.
Theyalso reviewed the cooperation among regional countries as well asbetween the association with partners over the past year in prioritisedfields such as humanitarian assistance, military medicine andpeace-keeping operations, maritime security and counter-terrorismactivities.
The ASEAN defence leaders also discussed the preparation for the second ADMM Plus, slated for August 29.
At the retreat, the Vietnamese delegation has shown its responsibilityfor cooperation mechanisms within the ASEAN framework. Through thisregional multilateral defence forum, Vietnam continues to affirm itsrole and position in the ADMM Plus, contributing to ensuring peace,stability, security and development in the region and looking towardsthe establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015.
The ministers are scheduled to attend an unofficial meeting between ASEAN and the US.
On the sideline of the event, Minister Thanh will also hold bilateralmeetings with his counterparts from dialogue partners.
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) groups Malaysia,Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,Brunei, the Philippines and Vietna.-VNA