VN attends nat’l congress of France’s General Confederation of Labour

Vietnam attends nat’l congress of France’s General Confederation of Labour

A delegation from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) led by its Vice President Tran Thanh Hai attended the 52nd national congress of the General Confederation of Labour of France (CGT) from May 13-17 in Dijon.
Vietnam attends nat’l congress of France’s General Confederation of Labour ảnh 1 Vice President of Vietnam General Confederation of Labour Tran Thanh Hai (L) presents a gift to CGT Secretary General Philippe Martinez (Source:

Paris (VNA) – A delegation from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) led by its Vice President Tran Thanh Hai attended the 52nd national congress of the General Confederation of Labour of France (CGT) from May 13-17 in Dijon.

Before the opening session, on May 12, the CGT held an international conference to discuss social inequality, employment types and the role of trade unions.

The conference drew 118 international delegates from 88 organisations in 66 nations and territories.

Speaking at the event, the Vietnamese official hailed the significance of the issues for trade unions worldwide.

Trade union activities should originate from labourers’ aspirations and interests, he added.

Within the framework of the national congress, the VGCL delegation held a working session with CGT Secretary General Philippe Martinez, during which they exchanged opinions on future cooperation.

Hai took the occasion to invite the host to visit Vietnam in 2020.-VNA

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