Vietnam backs global efforts in nuclear terrorism counter

Vietnam has affirmed its support of all activities carried out under the framework of the Global Initiative on Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) and related Working Groups.
Vietnam has affirmed its support of all activities carried out under the framework of the Global Initiative on Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) and related Working Groups.

The Vietnamese delegation made the statement at the 8th plenary session of the GICNT held on May 26 - 27 in Mexico which saw the participation of representatives from 85 countries and four international organisations.

Vietnam also applauded the success of GICNT in connecting joint efforts of the international community to tackle nuclear terrorism threat.

The country laid emphasis on the leading role of the United Nations in the anti-terrorism fight, as well as the central role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in nuclear safety-related issues and international cooperation, while pointing to the importance of providing technical assistance to developing countries.

The delegation reported Vietnam ’s recent efforts and actions in the prevention and fight against nuclear terrorism, including the approval of the supplementary protocol of the Treaty on Nuclear Safety, necessary documents to join IAEA’s Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and the supplementary protocol of the convention, while continuing to perfect the national legal system on nuclear security.

Initiated by the US and Russia since July 2005 in St. Petersburg, GICNT aims to encourage inter-governmental cooperation in related matters enshrined in the international treaties on nuclear terrorism counter, especially the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, Convention on Counter-Nuclear Terrorism and related resolutions issued by the UN Security Council.

Vietnam joined the initiative in April 2010.-VNA

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