Vietnam, Cambodia localities share experience in religious affairs

Vietnam, Cambodia border localities share experience in religious affairs

Vietnamese and Cambodian localities along the shared border discussed religious affairs during a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on July 17, aiming to build a shared border of peace, stability and development.
Vietnam, Cambodia border localities share experience in religious affairs ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – Vietnamese and Cambodian localities along the shared border discussed religious affairs during a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on July 17, aiming to build a shared border of peace, stability and development.

Addressing the event, Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan said the event aims to share experience among the localities and foster cooperation in tackling existing problems in religious activities along the border, thus helping locals exercise their right to religious freedom.

Meanwhile, Cambodian Minister of Cults and Religion Him Chhem expressed delight at the stability and growth of the Vietnam-Cambodia partnership, including in religion.

He stressed that the conference is of significant importance with the two countries celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, celebrations which are expected to enhance the efficiency of religious affair of both countries, thus fostering religious solidarity.

At the event, the two sides agreed on the significance of friendship and cooperation among localities along the Vietnam-Cambodia in all fields, including religion.

They agreed that the religious situation along the border is stable. The practice of beliefs and religions is respected and supported, while religious dignitaries and followers engage in social activities and contribute to local socio-economic development, ensuring security in the border.

Religious followers in border areas have enjoyed favourable conditions in holding exchange activities and organising festivals and traditional activities, thus fostering neighbourliness among border localities.

Participants also decided to enhance coordination to strengthen State management in religion, while sharing information to ensure safety and security along the border.-VNA

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