The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam –China Friendship Association (VCFA) held a ceremony celebrating the 65th anniversary of Vietnam – China diplomatic ties in Hanoi on January16.
Addressing the event, VUFO President Vu Xuan Hong saidfriendship and cooperation are the mainstream in Vietnam-China relationsdespite ups and downs, adding that the traditional friendship is thevaluable asset of the people of both countries.
Enhancingexchange and mutual understanding and trust between the two peoples isvery important to the development of each nation, which is in line withthe two peoples’ aspiration and long-term interest as well asbeneficial to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and theworld as a whole, Hong said.
He affirmed that the VCFA iswilling to work with the China – Vietnam Friendship Association tofacilitate friendly exchanges and work on ideas for win-win cooperationin all fields, contributing to realising an action plan on theimplementation of the Vietnam – China comprehensive strategiccooperative partnership.
On her part, the President of theChinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) Li Xiaolin unveiled that the CPAFFC and Guangxi Zhuangautonomous region will launch a tour through Chinese cities wherePresident Ho Chi Minh once lived, on the occasion of the 125 thanniversary of his birthday this year.
She shared her wishthat friendship organisations of both countries work together tocontribute to a healthy, stable and sustainable development ofChina-Vietnam ties.
Chinese Ambassador Hong Xiaoyong affirmedthat China values the development of friendship with Vietnam and wishesto foster the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.
The embassy is coordinating with the two countries’friendship organisations to boost people-to-people diplomacy, a channelto raise mutual understanding, he said.
President of theVietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan welcomedthe Chinese tourism initiative, adding that the tour will attract notonly young people of both countries but also elderly Vietnamese who usedto live in China.-VNA