Vietnam Fatherland Front boosts links with Chinese counterpart

A high-ranking delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front has visited China with a view to enhancing friendship and cooperation with the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
Vietnam Fatherland Front boosts links with Chinese counterpart ảnh 1CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhangsheng (R) meets with VFF Vice President Tran Thanh Man (Photo: VNA)

Beijing (VNA) – A high-ranking delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) paid a working visit to China from December 19-23 with a view to enhancing friendship and cooperation with the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

The visit also aimed to learn from the CPPCC’s experience in performing its functions and roles in corruption fight, poverty alleviation, new-style rural area and civilised city building, political consultation and democracy supervision.

Meeting with the delegation, CPPCC Chairman Yu Zhangsheng, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China’s Politburo, voiced his delight at the progress in the two countries’ relations, as seen through a China visit by Prime Minister Nguyen XuanPhuc in September 2016, a trip to Vietnam by Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress Zhang Dejiang two months later, and a meeting between Presidents Xi Jinping and Tran Dai Quang at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Peru last month.

Yu said the CPPCC acts as a forum for people from all strata, officials and experts to consult and exchange opinions, ideas and resources to help supervise the government’s activities.

He hoped that delegation exchanges will help foster cooperation between the two Parties and States, as well as between the CPPCC and the VFF.

VFF Vice President and Secretary General Tran Thanh Man, who led the Vietnamese delegation, reiterated Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance and active international integration, adding that the Vietnamese Party and State consistently treasure the amity and cooperation with the Chinese Party, State and people.

Vietnam values the CPPCC’s role in bolstering ties with the VFF, he noted.

Man also extended VFF President Nguyen ThienNhan’s invitation to visit Vietnam to CPPCC Chairman Yu.

During their stay in China, the VFF officials had talks with CPPCC Vice Chairman and Secretary General Zhang Qingli and met with Chairpersons of the CPPCC chapters in Beijing and Chongqing cities and deputy head of the CPPCC chapter in Guangdong province.

The working sessions took place in a straightforward and sincere atmosphere, working out many practical proposals. 

The two sides briefed each other on their respective countries’ situation and the outcomes of the fourth session of the Vietnamese Party Central Committee and the sixth session of the Chinese Party Central Committee. They also presented the VFF and CPPCC’s contributions to consultation and supervision activities, noting that the organisations have created opportunities for people and experts to engage in each country’s political issues, assisted Party and State agencies in understanding people’s aspirations, and helped to bring into play the effects of their Parties and States’ policies.

The officials also discussed concrete measures to increase collaboration between the VFF and the CPPCC, and between localities, thereby nurturing the two peoples’ friendship.-VNA

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