Themed “Hanoi – Destination of Vietnamese tourism”,the fair showed businesses’ support for Hanoi’s efforts to promote tourismas its key economy, said Vu The Binh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam TourismAssociation and head of the organising board.
He added that most of products at the event focuson promoting tourism of the capital city, helping to attract more tourists toHanoi.
The event saw the participation of over 650enterprises and tourism agencies from 43 cities and provinces of Vietnam and 25countries and territories around the world.
Besides traditional markets such as Japan, theRepublic of Korea, Western Europe and ASEAN, the fair welcomed travel firmsfrom the US Tourism Association.
US travel enterprises will have a meeting withVietnamese travel companies and sign a cooperation deal with the VietnamTourism Association. The deal is expected to help Vietnamese travel companiesattract more American tourists as well as open up more opportunities forVietnamese to travel to the US.
Additionally, there will be more than 150,000low-cost air tickets and 15,000 package tours at reasonable prices offered bytravel companies and airlines at the fair.- VNA