Theyreviewed the relations between the two countries over the recent past,exchanged ideas and agreed on various measures to further promote the ties andintensify the coordination of viewpoints and acts at international and regionalforums.
Vietnamalways treasures its traditional relations with Kazakhstan, and wishes toconsolidate and strengthen bilateral ties in various field, Dung said.Meanwhile, his Kazakhstan counterpart stressed Vietnam is a priority inKazakhstan’s foreign policy in the region, and a bridge between the country andASEAN.
The twoofficials noted that bilateral trade has made strides in the recent past, but advantageof the benefits created by the free trade agreement between Vietnam and theEurasian economic union should be taken.
They alsoagreed to bring into further play the role of the Vietnam – Kazakhstaninter-governmental cooperation committee in pushing up bilateral cooperation,and exchanged views on the cooperation prospects in various field, includingthe COVID-19 fight.
TheKazakhstan side spoke highly of Vietnam’s successful control of the pandemic,and hoped to strengthen cooperation with the country in this field.
Thetwo sides agreed to continue intensifying cooperation at multilateral andregional forums so as to contribute to regional peace and stability, settledisputes by peaceful means on the basis of respect to international law and theUnited Nations’ Charter as well as the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS 1982). The Kazakhstan official congratulated Vietnam for successfullycompleting its ASEAN Chairmanship 2020.
Thetwo sides also agreed to resume and intensify the exchange of delegations, includinghigh-level ones, after the pandemic is put under control./.