Vietnam, Monaco to further tap cooperation potential

Vietnamese Ambassador to France and Monaco Dinh Toan Thang presented his credentials to Prince of Monaco Albert II, pledging to contribute to enhancing bilateral friendship and conveying regards from President Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the host.
Vietnam, Monaco to further tap cooperation potential ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to France and Monaco Dinh Toan Thang (L) presented his credentials to Prince of Monaco Albert II. (Photo: VNA)

Paris (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to France and Monaco Dinh Toan Thang presented his credentials to Prince of Monaco Albert II, pledging to contribute to enhancing bilateral friendship and conveying regards from President Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the host.

During the May 3 ceremony, the diplomat affirmed Vietnam always wishes to maintain and expand cooperation with Monaco through support for each other at multilateral forums, exchanges of delegations and bolstering partnership in the fields of green economy, maritime, digital transformation, climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, tourism development and cultural exchanges.

He also expressed his hope that the countries will step up bilateral ties to obtain new and efficient developments across all fields.

For his part, Prince of Monaco Albert II spoke highly of Vietnam’s struggle for independence in the past and achievements in the Doi moi (Renewal), valuing the country’s position in the region and the world, as well as its socio-economic accomplishments even while fighting the COVID-19. The two countries hold enormous potential and need to bolster exchanges and information sharing on cooperation possibilities, he stressed.

Vietnam, Monaco to further tap cooperation potential ảnh 2Prince of Monaco Albert II receives Vietnamese Ambassador to France and Monaco Dinh Toan Thang. (Photo: VNA)

Monaco and Vietnam share many concerns, especially in ocean affairs, environmental protection, and sustainable development, the leader said, urging the countries to continue to coordinate and support each other at international forums such as the United Nations and the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF).

The Prince took the occasion to extend his regards to President Phuc and other leaders of Vietnam and wish the Vietnamese diplomat fulfil his duties during his tenure, thus contributing to expanding cooperation between the two countries.

During a reception hosted by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Monaco Isabelle Berro Amadei, the two sides informed each other of the countries’ socio-economic development and agreed to promote exchanges of partners so as to define and capitalise on cooperation potential.

Meeting Chairman of Monaco Economic Board Michel Dotta the same day, Thang exchanged viewpoints with his host on possibilities in economic cooperation and support for businesses, and discussed measures to make the most of post-pandemic reform and recovery opportunities.

Also on May 3, he met Jacques Bernard, President of the "Les Soins de l'Espoir", which raised 45,000 EUR (47,380 USD) to arrange 17 heart surgeries for Vietnamese children in five years./.


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