Son affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to andhopes to further deepen the traditional friendship and cooperation with Syria.The Government and people of Vietnam always remember and highly value the precioussupport from the Syrian people during its past struggle for independence andcurrent national construction, he said.
For his part, the Syrian official thanked the Government andpeople of Vietnam for the support.
Leaders and people of Syria highly value ties with Vietnam,he said, expressing his impression on Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements. Heaffirmed that Syria always supports and hopes to learn Vietnam’s experience innational development and international economic integration.
The two FMs discussed and agreed on a number of orientationsto promote future cooperation between the two countries in the fields ofpolitics, diplomacy and economy, while coordinating with and supporting eachother at multilateral organisations such as the UN and the Non-Aligned Movement.
Son took the occasion to invite his Syrian counterpart tovisit Vietnam in an appropriate time. Faisal Al-Mikdad accepted the invitation./.