The VietnameseChairman said bilateral ties have been developing strongly as seenthrough delegation exchanges, demonstrating the political trust betweenthe countries’ leaders.
Economic cooperation hasalso enjoyed encouraging progress as the RoK respectively ranks first,second and third in terms of direct investment, official developmentassistance provision and trade in Vietnam, he noted.
The leader highly valued the conclusion of bilateral free tradeagreement negotiations and the 70 billion USD target for trade by 2020while highlighting fruitful outcomes reached in culture, education,science-technology, security, and defence cooperation.
Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said he hopes Speaker Chung Ui-hwa and theRoK National Assembly will support the extension of the specialmemorandum of understanding (MoU) on labour cooperation and the renewalof the MoU on labour cooperation between the two nations.
For his part, Speaker Chung Ui-Hwa voiced his delight at the vigorousgrowth of the countries’ strategic cooperative partnership and theaffiliation between their parliamentarians through regular visits toexchange legislative experience.
He expressed hishope for increased cooperation efficiency between the two parliamentsand Governments to meet the expectations of the two nations’ peoples.
The growing numbers of Vietnamese and RoK nationalsliving in the other country is an important factor for fosteringmulti-faceted connections between the two Governments and peoples, headded.
During their talks, both sides shared theview that the two National Assemblies have successfully implementedtheir cooperation agreement as inked in July 2013. They agreed tomaintain all-level delegation exchanges and intensify the sharing ofinformation, experience, and viewpoints on regional and internationalissues of mutual concern.
The countries will alsocreate a favourable legal environment to facilitate travel andcooperation and protect their citizens.-VNA