Speaking at a UN Security Council’s discussion on thesituation in South Sudan and the operations of the UNMISS on June 21, Quylauded positive developments in South Sudan in the context that the country ispreparing for the celebration of 10 years of independence.
He held that the international community should recognise theprogress and continue to encourage relevant agencies in South Sudan, and calledon the government of South Sudan to take effective measures to deal withviolence among communities, including solving the roots of the problem throughdialogue and trust building.
He called on the government of South Sudan and relevantparties to work closely together in implementing relevant resolutions of theUNSC on South Sudan, including Resolution 2577 aiming to the removal of theweapon embargo on the country.
Reports at the discussion showed that the situation in SouthSudan has seen positive developments since the beginning of 2021 with the implementation of a long-term ceasefire agreement and the formation of atransitional parliament. However, they held that the implementation of the Peace Agreement2018 has still remained slow with concern over economic and humanitariancrises in the country.
At the event, UN Secretary-General’s Special Representativefor South Sudan Nicholas Haysom briefed participants on UNMISS efforts inpromoting the transitional process, protecting civilians and giving humanitariansupport in South Sudan.
Founded in 2011, the UNMISS’s mission is toconsolidate peace and security and help establish conditions for development inSouth Sudan, with a view to strengthening the capacity of the Government togovern effectively and democratically and establish good relations with itsneighbours.
Vietnam officially joined UN peacekeeping operations and dispatchedrepresentatives to the UNMISS in 2014. The country has been deploying its third level-2 fieldhospital in Bentiu, South Sudan./.