Theagreement was reached during a meeting between Vietnamese Prime Minister PhamMinh Chinh and President of the Romanian Senate Nicolae Ciuca in Bucharest onJanuary 22 (local time).
PMChinh affirmed his visit is to strongly promote the traditional friendship and multi-facetedcooperation between the two countries, while further tightening the friendshipbetween the two countries’ people.
Hestressed the importance of maintaining the exchange of delegations at alllevels, especially high level, via Party, State, Government and NationalAssembly channels to enhance political trust and mutual understanding, as afoundation promote and expand bilateral cooperation in all fields.
Heconveyed the regards and invitation to visit Vietnam from National AssemblyChairman Vuong Dinh Hue to Senate President Nicolae Ciuca.
ThePresident of the Romanian Senate spoke highly of the Vietnamese PrimeMinister's visit, saying it is an important milestone in the bilateralrelationship in the context that the two sides will celebrate the 75thanniversary of relations in 2025. He appreciated the positive and substantivedevelopments of the traditional friendship and multi-faceted cooperationbetween the two countries, especially in politics, economy, education-training,and culture-tourism.
ThePrime Minister highly valued the positive results brought by the EU-VietnamFree Trade Agreement (EVFTA) after more than three years of enforcement, andthanked the Romanian Parliament for being one of the first EU memberparliaments ratifying the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).
PresidentNicolae Ciuca affirmed that he always supports strengthening the relationshipbetween Vietnam and the EU and will prompt the parliaments of the remaining EUmember countries to soon ratify this agreement.
Thetwo sides agreed to continue promoting trade and investment cooperation betweenthe two countries, improving efficiency in traditional fields such aseducation-training, agriculture, culture, and labour while expanding ties to potentialfields like information technology, innovation, and science-technology.
Thehost affirmed that the Vietnamese community and Vietnamese workers in Romaniahave made many positive contributions to the country’s socio-economicdevelopment.
PrimeMinister Chinh suggested the Romanian Parliament to continue to create favourableconditions for the Vietnamese community to integrate more deeply into the hostsociety and effectively promote their role as a bridge for developing the friendshipbetween the two countries’ people./.