Moscow (VNA) –Vietnam and Russia have issued a joint statement on the vision of theircomprehensive strategic partnership by 2030.
The statement was releasedfollowing the talks between Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and hisRussian counterpart Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinin Moscow on November 30.
The seven-point documentaffirmed that the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership, based onthe long-standing friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation, has beennurtured through generations, tested by time, and stood firm in the face ofchanges. It is a role model of cooperation with mutual respect.
The twosides affirmed the determination to further strengthen the Vietnam - Russia comprehensivestrategic partnership until 2030, guided by the basic principles andorientations of viewing the partnership intensification and effectivenessimprovement as a priority in their foreign policies; building the comprehensivestrategic partnership on the basis of mutual trust, sovereign equality,territorial integrity, equality, the right to self-determination, nointervention in each other’s internal affairs, no use or threats to use force, andpeaceful settlement of disputes; and supporting regional and internationalpeace, stability, and development.
Another principleis that the two countries do not enter into alliance with or come to anagreement with a third party to take any actions harming each other’sindependence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and basic interests. The developmentof Vietnam - Russia relations is not aimed against any third side.
The statementaffirmed that Vietnam and Russia will continue developing political dialogue inan extensive and substantive manner at high levels; strengthening cooperationin defence, security, military, and military technique on the basis ofinternational law, for the sake of regional and international peace and stability;increasing strategic dialogue on defence; and working together to improve theeffectiveness of the inter-governmental committee on military techniquecooperation.
They considereconomic partnership as an important pillar in their comprehensive strategicpartnership, express their resolve to tighten links in education - training andscience - technology, support the building of a more democratic and equal systemof international relations with respect for international law and principles ofthe United Nations Charter.
The two countriesdo not support the imposition of unilateral economic sanctions that are notapproved by the UN Security Council or violate international law. They supportmultilateralism in international relations; the enhancement of the UN’scoordinating role in ensuring peace, security, and sustainable development; theimprovement of the UN activities’ effectiveness; and the UN democratisation andreforms, according to the joint statement.
Vietnam andRussia affirmed the universality and consistency of the 1982 UN Convention onthe Law of the Sea, which is the legal framework for all activities on seas andoceans and serves as the foundation for cooperation among countries, regions,and in the world. They also emphasised the integrity of this convention.
The twosides will coordinate with each other to guarantee security, safety, andfreedom of navigation and overflight, and unimpeded trade. They supportself-restraint, no use or threats to use force, and peaceful settlement ofdisputes among relevant sides in line with the common principles and standardsof international law, including the principles in the UN Charter and the 1982UNCLOS, as well as the standards and practices recommended by the InternationalCivil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organisation(IMO).
Vietnam andRussia support the full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration onthe Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and welcome efforts to soon adopt a codeof conduct in the waters.
They will continue to deepen the ASEAN - Russia strategic partnership and step up fruitfulcooperation on the basis of the comprehensive plan of action to implement theASEAN - Russia strategic partnership for 2021 - 2025, the statement noted./.