The meetings aimed to advance educational cooperationbetween Vietnam and Russia, making it on par with the bilateral comprehensivestrategic partnership in the new context.
At the working session with Minister of Science and HigherEducation Valery Nikolayevich Falkov on December 1, Son proposed the Russian sidesoon extend the agreement on debt settlement so that Vietnam would be able to continue sending its students to Russia.
He also suggested organising the second Forum ofRectors of Russian and Vietnamese Universities at an early date, and upgrading thePushkin Sub-Institute in Hanoi to a centre of the Russian language in SoutheastAsia.
Falkov promised that he will work to push ahead with Son’sproposals.
The same day, Son met with Yevgeny AlexandrovichPrimakov, General Director of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth ofIndependent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International HumanitarianCooperation.
The minister proposed the Russian side considergranting scholarships to Vietnamese students to attend training courses in English, and open departments or schools of Russian universities in Vietnam on a trial basis.
His proposals received the support from Primakov, who said he will immediately act accordingly.
Meeting with Rector of the Moscow Aviation InstituteMikhail Aslanovich Pogosyan on December 2, where 115 Vietnamese students arestudying, Son expressed his hope for stronger cooperation between the Russian instituteand its Vietnamese partners, and suggested the Russian institute open a branchin Vietnam.
Pogosyan said he will closely coordinate withcompetent agencies to realise the Vietnamese minister's suggestions on cooperation.

Accordingly, they committed to promoting activities of the Vietnam-Russia Joint Working Group on Legislative Affairs in order to share experience and practices in law building and enforcement. The Russian Ministry of Justice will provide training for 10 Vietnamese judicial officials at the Russian State University of Justice, while the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice will participate in the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held annually.
Amidst complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two sides agreed to promote the organisation of activities in the online form./.