Bamboo Airways posted the best OTP of 92.4% with 30,068 on-time flights. Some2,470 flights of Bamboo Airways saw delays.
The rate of VASCO was 92%, Vietravel Airlines 87.1%, Vietnam Airlines 86.6%, PacificAirlines 14.2% and VietJet 81.3%.
Nearly 221,200 flights were conducted in January – September, including 83,933flights of VietJet, 79,234 flights of Vietnam Airlines and 32,538 flights ofBamboo Airways.
Pacific Airlines operated 16,245 flights, VASCO 4,734 flights and Vietravel4,513 flights.
The Vietnam Aviation Administration said that one of the reasons for the delayswas the late return of aircraft which led to 5,622 flights failing to depart ontime. Another cause was problems related to the operation of carriers, whichcaused delays for 2,240 flights.
In the period, 715 flights, or 0.3% of the total, were cancelled.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam has asked domestic carriers to submitreports about their operation plans and preparation for the coming peak travelperiod as the Lunar New Year approaches.
It was necessary for airlines to develop a reasonable operation plan based onthe actual use of slot records to increase OTP, an expert in the aviation industrysaid.
In fact, many carriers did not use all of their slots, but they still soldtickets and then collected passengers in one flight, one of the causes ofdelays and cancellations, he said.
In addition, investment in upgrading infrastructure systems, especially atmajor airports such as Noi Bai and Tan Son Nhat, was important.
Vietnamese carriers handled 44.1 million passengers in the first nine months ofthis year, an increase of 20.3% against the same period last year.International passengers rose by 300.2% to 11.5 million, while domesticpassengers fell by 3.6% to 32.6 million.
Vietnam’s aviation industry saw OTP of nearly 90% in 2022. After the COVID-19 pandemic,domestic passenger numbers increased strongly to reach 101.3 million, or 68.3%higher than the target./.