Vietnamese associations abroad seek to improve activities

Diplomats and stakeholders converged at a seminar in Hanoi on January 30 to share experience to improve Vietnamese association and union activities abroad.
Vietnamese associations abroad seek to improve activities ảnh 1At the event (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Diplomats and stakeholders converged at a seminar in Hanoi on January 30 to share experience to improve Vietnamese association and union activities abroad.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs Vu Hong Nam said, currently there are nearly 4.5 million Vietnamese working and studying in 103 countries and territories worldwide.

Associations and unions abroad have played their productive part in national construction and defence and serve as a bridge of friendship between Vietnam and host countries, he said.

Pham Van Duc, Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Angola, said the Vietnamese community in the country established various associations targeting women, youths, war veterans and businesspeople, which have fostered solidarity and exchanges among members.

Chairman of the Vietnamese Business Association in France Nguyen Hai Nam said around 400,000 Vietnamese are presently active in 100 different associations and unions that have garnered enthusiastic support from young people.

In order to improve the role of Vietnamese associations in Cambodia, member of the executive board of the General Association of Vietnamese Cambodian People Nguyen Huy Mao called for opening more Vietnamese language classes to preserve cultural identity and better connect Vietnamese nationals together.

Participants suggested that the State and diplomatic representative agencies should help Vietnamese associations and unions abroad with information updates and through networking with the host countries’ relevant units.

Vietnamese associations and unions activities should uphold the role of the community, members’ interests and promote patriotism, they said, adding that the campaign “Vietnamese community abroad preserving the mother tongue” should also be spread widely.-VNA


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