The meeting was co-chaired by Colonel Luong Dinh Hung, Director of theDepartment of Professional Affairs and Law under the Vietnam Coast Guard and ColonelDing Wengang, director of the law enforcement department of the Nanhai branchof the China Coast Guard.
Besides reaching consensus on sharing information on crimes in the Gulfof Tonkin, focusing on drug trafficking and illegal immigration, the two sidesagreed to work together to sketch out plans for crime prevention and ask competent authorities for permission to take joint actions.
The Vietnamese coast guard force has recorded signs of trafficking, trade fraud,drug crimes and illegal transport of oil in the waters of Mong Cai city – the localitywith robust trade activities with China.
According to Colonel Hung, sophisticated methods and tricks of criminalscoupled with violations of fishing vessels from the two countries have posedrisks to security order in the waters.
Vietnam and China approved the agreement on maritime boundary delimitation inthe Gulf of Tonkin in 2004. Over the past time, the pact was carried out seriously,contributing to consolidating their traditional friendship as well asmaintaining and promoting stability and development in the waters./.