Vietnamese-funded military facilities inaugurated in Cambodia

Two office buildings of the Cambodian army were inaugurated on June 14 with funding from the High Command of Military Zone 7 under the Vietnam People’s Army.
Vietnamese-funded military facilities inaugurated in Cambodia ảnh 1At the inauguration ceremony (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) – Two office buildings of the Cambodian army were inaugurated on June 14 with funding from the High Command of Military Zone 7 under the Vietnam People’s Army.

The facilities serve as the headquarters of the Tbong Khmum province Military sub-Region and Infantry Brigade 21 of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

Addressing the ceremony, Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Commander of Military Zone 7 expressed his hope that the facilities will contribute to enhancing the working condition for the units’ soldiers and officers.

For his part, General Choeun Sovanth, Deputy Commander of Infantry and Commander of Military Region 2 said the assistance Vietnam’s Military Zone 7 has provided for Cambodian military units has contributed to the development of the Cambodian Royal Armed Forces.-VNA


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