Hundreds of Vietnamese people on July 6 marched from the Stephanplatzsquare to the Chinese Embassy while holding the national flag andbanners written in many languages demanding China to respectinternational law and withdraw its rig from Vietnam’s waters.
They also carried along two large maps demonstrating China’swrongful acts in the East Sea and handed out 500 maps of Vietnamaffirming the country’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and TruongSa (Spratly) archipelagos.
Demonstrators alsocollected signatures for a petition against China’s acts to be sent tothe Chinese Embassy in Vienna, the United Nations Secretary GeneralBan Ki-moon, and the ASEAN Committee in Vienna .
This was the second rally by Vietnamese people in Austria in protestagainst China’s illegal acts in Vietnam ’s waters. In late May,hundreds of Vietnamese expatriates congregated in front of the ChineseEmbassy in Vienna, shouting slogans and holding up banners calling onChina to respect Vietnam ’s sovereignty and international law.
At the beginning of May 2014, China illegallypositioned the rig at 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 seconds north latitudeand 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds east longitude. The location was80 miles deep into Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusiveeconomic zone.
Despite Vietnam’s protest, China expanded its scale of operationand moved the rig to 15 degrees 33 minutes 36 seconds north latitude and111 degrees 34 minutes 11 seconds east longitude, 60 nautical milesdeep inside Vietnam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.
China’s armed vessels have aggressively andconsistently fired high-power water cannons at and intentionally rammedagainst Vietnamese public-service and civil ships, causing damage tomany boats and injuring many people on board.
On July 7, China used up to 110 ships of various types, including fourmilitary ships to defend the oil rig and prevent Vietnamese lawenforcement ships from operating in their national waters.-VNA