Vietnamese students’ day in RoK

he Vietnamese Students’ Association in the Republic of Korea (VSAK) hosted the 12th Vietnam students’ day in Seoul on October 9 in celebration of 24 years of friendship between the two countries.
Vietnamese students’ day in RoK ảnh 1An art performance at the event (Photo: VNA)

Seoul (VNA) – The Vietnamese Students’ Association in the Republic of Korea (VSAK) hosted the 12th Vietnam students’ day in Seoul on October 9 in celebration of 24 years of friendship between the two countries.

The event aims to create a venue for Vietnamese and Korean students to boost solidarity and popularise the image of the Vietnamese land, people and culture to international friends, especially those from the RoK.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the RoK Pham Huu Chi spoke highly of the VSAK’s achievements, with over 5,000 Vietnamese students in the host country enthusiastically participating in learning movements, research, sports and cultural exchanges.

He said that the Navy High Command presented a certificate of merit to the Vietnamese community in the RoK in recognition of their contributions to safeguarding Vietnam’s sovereignty over seas and islands.

The organising board granted 10 scholarships from Hanshin Construction Company, which funded the event, to outstanding Vietnamese individuals and units.

The event included a music and dance performance and a fashion show with nearly 1,000 students from both countries participating.-VNA


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