Welcoming the delegation, UNEFA Rector Sen. Lieut. Gen. PascualinoAngiolillo highlighted the need for the two countries to strengthen cooperationin education to match their sound political relations.
He spoke highly of the UTM delegation’s visit, which contributes to deepeningmutual understanding and strengthening education and training cooperation between the UNEFAand UTM, and helping promote the Venezuela-Vietnam friendship and comprehensivepartnership.

According to the Principal, the quality of Vietnam's education has leaped five places tothe 59th position in the international rankings in 2021. Vietnam has one universityentering the list of top universities in the world. In terms of tertiary education, Vietnam currently has more than 400 joint training programmes withforeign countries, of which 186 were licenced by autonomous higher educationinstitutions and 222 were licenced by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Son said that after 15 years of establishment anddevelopment, the UTM has become one of the leading universities in Vietnam, andis striving to become a multi-faculty university providing high-quality humanresources for the domestic and international markets, contributing to thecountry’s modernisation and industrialisation process.
At the working session, Son and Angiolillo signeda letter of intent on cooperation, focusing on implementing jointeducation-training progammes and projects, academic exchanges among lecturers and students,and organising joint scientific conferences.
Within the framework of the visit, the UTM delegation worked with a number ofuniversities and research institutes of Venezuela as well as theVenezuela-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce, and visited the Vietnamese Embassy./.