The move is part of the country’s concerted effort to soonremove the European Commission (EC)’s “yellow card” warning against its seafoodproducts.
Among the measures, top priority has been given to educatingfishermen and raising their awareness of IUU fishing and related regulations soas to heighten their sense of responsibility and stop them from illegallyentering waters of other countries, Colonel Pham Xuan Dieu, Deputy Chief ofStaff of the force, told the Vietnam News Agency.
The force has increased patrols and takena tough hand on IUU fishing violations. Thanks to such efforts, 574 violators havebeen brought to light, with a total of 21.6 billion VND (948,531 USD) paid inadministrative fines, Dieu said.
The force reported 33 violation cases, involving 51 vessels,in the first nine months of this year, down 7 cases and 12 vessels compared to thesame period last year, he added.
The officer pointed out several reasons behind IUU fishing, such asdeclining marine resources in Vietnam’s waters and lack of legal knowledgeamong fishermen. There is also an increase in the number of those who arrange unlawful trips by Vietnamese fishing boats into foreign waters, he noted.
He urged for the introduction of stricter penalties against IUUfishing and the brokers; and for authorities to make a list of “high-risk”vessels to keep a close watch on them./.