Vietnam’s wide-ranging potential introduced in France

Prospects for wide-ranging cooperation between Vietnam and France were talked of at a recent seminar held in the city of Tours , France ’s central Indre Et Loire province.
Prospects for wide-ranging cooperation between Vietnam and France were talked of at a recent seminar held in the city of Tours , France ’s central Indre Et Loire province.

Vietnam’s potential in economics, culture and human resources were introduced to participants to the event, which formed part of activities marking the Vietnam Year in France. The seminar attracted representatives from Indre Et Loire, neighboring areas in the region and French friends seeking investment opportunities in Vietnam.

Speaking at the seminar, Tours Deputy Mayor Christophe Bouchet, said that Vietnam ’s open-door policies and renewal process work to enhance cooperative opportunities between the two nations, noting that the historical relations and similarities in culture serve to solidify the relationship.

The Loire Valley region of Tours has undertaken various activities to boost cooperative activities to become a dynamic and long-term economic and trade partner with Vietnam, he said.

Cultural exchanges have been held through photo exhibitions, art performances and film screening in the framework of activities of the Touraine-Vietnam Friendship Association, further bolstering the ties between the two nations, he added.

At the seminar, Indre Et Loire government and business officials introduced programmes to support Vietnam in vocational training.

The managing board of the University of Tours also designed training programs to meet the requirements for Vietnam's development.

Present there, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Duong Chi Dung highlighted the initiative to organise the seminar, saying it is an evidence of the strong bonds between French localities and Vietnam.

Reviewing cooperative relations in all fields, especially the operation of over 300 French businesses in Vietnam and a two-way turnover in 2013 reaching 3.5 billion EUR, he spoke of huge economic potential between the two nations and encouraged businesses of Indre Et Loire to invest in Vietnam.

Nguyen Canh Tuong, Vietnamese Embassy trade counselor in France, also delivered a report introducing Vietnam’s emerging economy, investment opportunities for key areas, such as garments and textiles, leather footwear, farm produce and seafood processing.-VNA

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