VN, China share ideas on restructuring research institutes

Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology in conjunction with China’s Ministry of Science and Technology held a scientific seminar on international transformation of the two countries’ research establishments, in Hanoi on May 17.
Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology in conjunction with China’sMinistry of Science and Technology held a scientific seminar oninternational transformation of the two countries’ researchestablishments, in Hanoi on May 17.

The seminar wasan opportunity for both ministries to exchange experiences in theprocess of transforming and reforming the institutions of scientific andtechnological organisations, helping raise the effectiveness of theiroperations.

Dinh Viet Bach, from the Department ofPersonnel-Organisation under the Ministry of Science and Technology,said the implementation of self-control and a self-responsible mechanismaimed to strengthen responsibility and enhance the initiative andcreativity of scientific and technological organisations, at the sametime promoting the linking of scientific research, technologicaldevelopment and business, and manufacturing and training.

At the seminar, delegates of the two ministries concentrated onexchanging experiences, figuring out the advantages, difficulties andlessons during the process of institutional transformation, towards thecommon goal of improving the role of science and technology in themodern economy.-VNA

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