The Drug Administration of Vietnam under theMinistry of Health said botulism is a serious illness caused by clostridiumbotulinum, a poisonous substance in the bacteria found in badly preserved food.It rarely occurs around the world and in Vietnam.
As such, the supply of BAT is also limitedworldwide, the administration said, adding that the price of this antitoxin issky-high, and BAT is not listed among the medicines covered by the healthinsurance fund.
Since 2020, Vietnam has reported a few cases ofbotulism poisoning, with three recorded in HCM City most recently.
On May 23, the administration had a working sessionwith the WHO Office in Hanoi, asking for the organisation’s help with antitoxinsupply.
The Ministry of Health said the Prime Minister hasagreed with its proposal on building a mechanism to ensure the availability ofscarce drugs and those with limited supply./.