2019 Career Day for young people

The Connect the Dots Career Day, the 6th of its kind, has taken place in Hanoi. The event aimed to connect young people, especially Vietnamese students who once studied abroad and employers.

This year’s fair attracted thousands of young people, especially overseas students returning to Vietnam and nearly 40 employers. Even though these graduates are considered to have an advantage over domestic bachelors in terms of foreign languages and experience, finding a suitable job is still an obstacle for them.

Although the career fair is geared towards for students who used to study overseas, domestic graduates also find them the opportunity to have direct access to large businesses in many different fields. Many bachelors and even undergraduates come to look for their opportunities in this fair.

This event not only provides employers with potential employees but speakers also guide young people on how to find a path that matches their passion, find their strengths and the demands of the market./.