Organised by the Central Dermatology Hospital,the Southeast Asian Dermatological Association and the Asia-AustraliaDermatological Association, the conference helped participantsgain more knowledge about dermatology.
Participants discussedand shared experience on issues related to dermatological diseases,which are difficult to diagnose and treat such as sexually transmitteddiseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea, HIV/AIDS ), leprosy and others.
Vietnamese scientists presented about 60 scientific subjects among the 300 heard at the conference.
Organisedfor the first time in Singapore in 1972, the biennial conference aimsto update participants on the latest know-how in treating dermatologicaldiseases, especially unfamiliar ones.
According to Tran HauGiang, President of the Vietnamese Society of Dermatology,this is the first time Vietnam has hosted the event, which offered agood chance for Vietnamese doctors to better their understanding of thefield, thus actively contributing to healthcare for people in thefuture.
The day before, there were three trainingcourses on dermatology organised in the city with theparticipation of about 100 domestic and foreign health staff workingin the field.-VNA