The ongoing 34th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-ParliamentaryAssembly (AIPA) in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, on September 20witnessed a series of meetings of its committees which made importantdecisions to the bloc.
At the meeting of the Committee onPolitical Matters, delegates pointed to the importance of a close-knitASEAN to contribute to the regional peace, stability, development andprosperity.
They pledged to intensify AIPA’s active role insupporting the construction of an ASEAN Political – Security CommunityCouncil (APSC) by harmonising member countries’ legal frameworks andbuilding common conduct standards.
This function underlinedthe role of ASEAN in consolidating peace, stability, security andmaritime safety in the East Sea; solving disputes by peaceful means inconformity with international laws, particularly the United NationConvention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (UNCLOS 1982); fully andeffectively realising the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in theEast Sea (DOC); and heading towards a Code of Conduct for Parties in theEast Sea (COC).
Meanwhile, the meeting of the Committee onEconomic Matters debated a draft resolution on enhancing the sustainabledevelopment of small- and medium-sized enterprises. Delegates alsoagreed that fueling green growth is an effective measure to cope withproblems arising in the formation of the ASEAN Economic Community.
At a similar event of the Committee on Social Matters, they approveddraft resolutions on the acceleration of the youth’s role in dealingwith ASEAN’s future challenges, the role of AIPA in carrying out thepost-2015 development programmes, and cooperation in building afree-of-child-abuse ASEAN region.
At the meeting of theCommittee on Organisational Matters, delegates from member countriesadopted 19 resolutions regarding the organisation of AIPA, the approvalof Timor Leste as an AIPA observer, and the implementation of AIPAresolutions, among others.
On the day, AIPA held dialoguesessions with Belarus, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia and theEuropean Parliament, which are its observers.-VNA
At the meeting of the Committee onPolitical Matters, delegates pointed to the importance of a close-knitASEAN to contribute to the regional peace, stability, development andprosperity.
They pledged to intensify AIPA’s active role insupporting the construction of an ASEAN Political – Security CommunityCouncil (APSC) by harmonising member countries’ legal frameworks andbuilding common conduct standards.
This function underlinedthe role of ASEAN in consolidating peace, stability, security andmaritime safety in the East Sea; solving disputes by peaceful means inconformity with international laws, particularly the United NationConvention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (UNCLOS 1982); fully andeffectively realising the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in theEast Sea (DOC); and heading towards a Code of Conduct for Parties in theEast Sea (COC).
Meanwhile, the meeting of the Committee onEconomic Matters debated a draft resolution on enhancing the sustainabledevelopment of small- and medium-sized enterprises. Delegates alsoagreed that fueling green growth is an effective measure to cope withproblems arising in the formation of the ASEAN Economic Community.
At a similar event of the Committee on Social Matters, they approveddraft resolutions on the acceleration of the youth’s role in dealingwith ASEAN’s future challenges, the role of AIPA in carrying out thepost-2015 development programmes, and cooperation in building afree-of-child-abuse ASEAN region.
At the meeting of theCommittee on Organisational Matters, delegates from member countriesadopted 19 resolutions regarding the organisation of AIPA, the approvalof Timor Leste as an AIPA observer, and the implementation of AIPAresolutions, among others.
On the day, AIPA held dialoguesessions with Belarus, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia and theEuropean Parliament, which are its observers.-VNA