The ambassadors of ASEAN countries to South Africa voiced their worryover recent tensions in the East Sea at a meeting in the capitalPretoria on May 13.
At the function, Vietnamese Ambassador Le HuyHoang – incumbent Chair of the ASEAN Pretoria Committee – updated thediplomats on the latest developments regarding China’s illegal placementof its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou – 981 in waters of Vietnam’s exclusiveeconomic zone.
He said China’s act seriously violatesinternational law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (1982 UNCLOS) as well as the Declaration of the Conduct of Partiesin the East Sea, to which China itself is a signatory.
Hoangnoted that Vietnam hopes the ASEAN countries and the internationalcommunity continue to support the nation’s legitimate requirements andoppose China’s violation.
The ambassador stressed that Vietnampursues all peaceful measures in accordance with the United NationsCharter to solve disputes and safeguard its legitimate rights andinterests.
At the meeting, the diplomats agreed that the bloc’smembers need to bolster their solidarity and determination to ensurepeace, stability, safety and maritime freedom in the East Sea, andconsider this as one of the focal points in the building of an ASEANCommunity.
Responding to queries from Vietnam News Agencyreporters, Philippine Ambassador Constancio R.Vingno said that China’sact has escalated tensions in the region, adding that East Sea disputesneed to be settled peacefully through diplomatic channels and in linewith international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS.
Chinastationed the rig on May 2 at 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 seconds northlatitude and 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds east longitude. Thelocation is 80 nautical miles deep inside Vietnam’s exclusive economiczone and 119 nautical miles to Vietnam’s Ly Son Island.
Chinahas deployed 86 ships of various kinds to the area. They includemilitary, coast guard, marine surveillance, marine patrol and fisheriesships backed by rescue, transport, refuelling and fishing ships.-VNA
At the function, Vietnamese Ambassador Le HuyHoang – incumbent Chair of the ASEAN Pretoria Committee – updated thediplomats on the latest developments regarding China’s illegal placementof its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou – 981 in waters of Vietnam’s exclusiveeconomic zone.
He said China’s act seriously violatesinternational law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (1982 UNCLOS) as well as the Declaration of the Conduct of Partiesin the East Sea, to which China itself is a signatory.
Hoangnoted that Vietnam hopes the ASEAN countries and the internationalcommunity continue to support the nation’s legitimate requirements andoppose China’s violation.
The ambassador stressed that Vietnampursues all peaceful measures in accordance with the United NationsCharter to solve disputes and safeguard its legitimate rights andinterests.
At the meeting, the diplomats agreed that the bloc’smembers need to bolster their solidarity and determination to ensurepeace, stability, safety and maritime freedom in the East Sea, andconsider this as one of the focal points in the building of an ASEANCommunity.
Responding to queries from Vietnam News Agencyreporters, Philippine Ambassador Constancio R.Vingno said that China’sact has escalated tensions in the region, adding that East Sea disputesneed to be settled peacefully through diplomatic channels and in linewith international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS.
Chinastationed the rig on May 2 at 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 seconds northlatitude and 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds east longitude. Thelocation is 80 nautical miles deep inside Vietnam’s exclusive economiczone and 119 nautical miles to Vietnam’s Ly Son Island.
Chinahas deployed 86 ships of various kinds to the area. They includemilitary, coast guard, marine surveillance, marine patrol and fisheriesships backed by rescue, transport, refuelling and fishing ships.-VNA