Australian event raises funds to prevent drowning in Vietnam

A concert in Australia’s Perth on November 17 raised money to fund efforts to stop children from drowning in Vietnam.
Australian event raises funds to prevent drowning in Vietnam ảnh 1Scene at the fund-raising event (Photo: VNA)

Sydney (VNA) – A concert in Australia’s Perth on November 17 raised money to fund efforts to stop children from drowning in Vietnam.

The Vietnam Consulate in Perth brought handicrafts to the show, which it organised with the Rotary Club of Hillarys.

According to the head of the club, Graham Kent, disadvantaged Vietnamese children who live near water are particularly prone to drowning, as they cannot afford to learn proper swimming techniques.

Thus, all funds raised will be used to send two Australian swimming teachers to Vietnam, providing lessons for their peers at Swim Vietnam.

Swim Vietnam is a charity based in central Vietnam that gives free swimming and water safety lessons to children, and trains local adults as swimming teachers.

It was the third event the Rotary Club of Hillarys hosted to support the Vietnamese charity.-VNA


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