Binh Thuan: Court upholds sentences for three rioters

The People’s Court of the central province of Binh Thuan on July 17 upheld jail sentences of the first-instance trial for three people involved in social order disturbances in Hoa Minh commune and Song Luy bridge on June 10, 2018.
Binh Thuan: Court upholds sentences for three rioters ảnh 1Scene at the appeal court (Photo: VNA)

Binh Thuan (VNA) – The People’s Court of the central province of Binh Thuan on July 17 upheld jail sentences of the first-instance trial for three people involved in social order disturbances in Hoa Minh commune and Song Luy bridge on June 10, 2018.

Accordingly, Nguyen Thi Lien (born in 1974),Tran Ho (1980) and Pham Thi Minh Thu (1973), were convicted of  “disturbing public order” under Clause 2, Article 318, the 2015 Penal Code (revised in 2017).  Lien and Ho were sentenced to three years in prison, while Thu got two years behind bars.

These people were unable to provide new evidence to support their appeals and as such, the court did not accept their appeals due to insubstantial mitigating factors.

The appeal court said punishments imposed on them at the first instance trial were appropriate and had adequate educational impact.

According to the indictment, from 8:00-23:00 of June 10, 2018, many people gathered on National Highway 1A, Nam bridge in Hoa Minh commune, and Song Luy bridge in Phan Ri Cua town. Some incited others to disturb public order and damage many motorcycles and automobiles, and blocked vehicles running through the highway and bridges, thus causing serious traffic jams in nearly 15 hours. They also threw bricks, stones and tree branches at police officers, injuring some of them.

Tuy Phong police identified the three among the rioters.-VNA

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