Breakthroughs in Ninh Thuan’s socio-economic development

After 30 years of re-establishment, the southern province of Ninh Thuan has promoted its tradition of solidarity, overcoming all challenges to become among localities posting the most impressive economic growth in Vietnam.

At the time of its re-establishment in April, 1992, Ninh Thuan was a purely agricultural province. Thirty years later, the province has changed a great deal. This can be seen through the wind and solar power projects dotted around the province and its high-end tourist areas invested in by dozens of businesses.

The province’s GDP in 2021 was nearly 70 times higher than in 1992, with growth averaging 8.14 percent per year. GDP per capita stood at some 3,000 USD, an increase of nearly 50 times since 1992.

According to its planning for the 2021-2030 period and vision to 2050, Ninh Thuan strives to record average annual economic growth of 10.84 percent to 2030, with GDP per capita to stand at some 8,000 USD./.