Long An (VNA) – A delegation from Cambodia’s Svay Rieng and PrayVeng provinces visited the southern province of Long An on February 9 to extendgreetings to local Party Committee, authorities and people on the occasion ofLunar New Year.
The delegation includes Governor of Svay Rieng province Men Vibol and DeputyGovernor of Pray Veng province Chanh Tha.
Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Van Can expressed hisdelight to welcome the delegation, saying that their visit is a vivid manifestationfor the good neighbourliness and traditional friendship between the twocountries.
Last year, Long An province and Cambodia’s border localities like Svay Rieng andPray Veng carried out cooperation in various fields, especially they joinedhands to organise activities to mark 50 years of Vietnam-Cambodiadiplomatic relations and the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year, he said.
Can believed that the three localities will boost collaboration in demarcatingborderline and planting border markers, making contributions to building andprotecting the shared borderline of peace, friendship and cooperation formutual development.
The Cambodian officials expressed their hope for the further development of thetwo countries’ solidarity and friendship. - VNA