Can Tho city records double digit growth for first time

The Mekong Delta city of Can Tho recorded 12.64% growth in gross regional domestic product (GRDP) this year, its highest ever, announced the municipal Statistics Office on December 28.
Can Tho city records double digit growth for first time ảnh 1Head of the Can Tho Statistics Office Le Ngoc Bay speaks at a meeting to announce local socio-economic indexes on December 28. (Photo: VNA)

Can Tho (VNA) – The Mekong Delta city of Can Tho recorded 12.64% growth in gross regional domestic product (GRDP) this year, its highest ever, announced the municipal Statistics Office on December 28.

Head of the office Le Ngoc Bay said with this growth rate, Can Tho ranked 2nd in the Mekong Delta, after Hau Giang province, and 5th among five centrally-run cities in the country. It is the first time the city has recorded a double-digit growth rate, reflecting a positive sign of socio-economic recovery and development, he said.

The industry and construction sector posted the highest growth of 18.18%, accounting for 31.03% of the city's GRDP. It was followed by the service sector with 13.19% growth, making up 52.47%, and agro-forestry and fishery 9.65%, accounting for 9.65% of the GRDP.

The results were attributed to the city’s adoption of key measures, including developing specialised orchards with high quality products, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the market.

Can Tho has issued many solutions to support the development of enterprises and remove difficulties.

There were more than 1,700 newly-registered enterprises this year, an increase of 36% compared to 2021. The total registered capital reached more than 12.7 trillion VND (535 million USD).

Total retail sales of consumer goods and services were estimated at 118.1 trillion VND, up 41.5% year-on-year.

Regarding foreign direct investment (FDI), this year Can Tho has granted licences to six new projects with registered capital of 174.23 million USD. Currently, there are 86 FDI projects in the city with total registered capital of about 2.22 billion USD.

The consumer price index (CPI) of Can Tho in 2022 increased by 2.33% compared to 2021. The four commodity groups with higher increases than normal were beverages and tobacco; housing and building materials; household appliances, and transportation./.


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