Dak Lak (VNA) – Provinces in the Central Highlands region failed to achieve theirplans on replanting forest in 2016, according to the Steering Committee for the Central Highlands Region.
Until now, the provinces havejust finished planting 8,794 hectares of replacing forest, or 40.9 percent ofthe total area they have to plant.
Regarding reasons for thissituation, the committee said the localities have not paid enough attention toreplanting forest and many project owners were not proactive in making forestreplantation plans.
The committee urged the provinces to focus on completing forest replantationwhile boosting the application of technical advances to improve economiceffectiveness and increase climate change adaptation.
Vietnam had more than 14 million hectares of forest asof December 21, 2015, including over 10.1 million hectares of natural forestand nearly 3.9 million hectares of planted forest.
The nationalforest coverage reached 40.84 percent in 2015, according to the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development.
The country aims to raise its forest coverage to 47.25 percent in 2017.-VNA