OnDecember 26, the top Chinese political advisor was received by PartyGeneral Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong who spoke highly of the significanceof the visit for the relationship of the two Parties and the twocountries.
He congratulated the Chinese people on theirachievements during the reform process, affirming the Vietnamese leadersand people’s consistent respect for the two countries’ neighbourliness,time-honoured friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperativepartnership.
The Vietnamese Party chief stressed the importanceof enhancing political trust, increasing experience sharing anddelegation and people-to-people exchanges, and stepping up coordinationbetween the two Parties, for the interest of both peoples, the regionand the world.
For issues to which differences still exist,the two countries should respect each other and exchange views sincerelyto address the matters satisfactorily in order to keep the bilateralties fine and stable, he added.
Yu Zhengsheng, in turn, confirmedthat the Chinese Party, State and people always attach importance tothe traditional friendship and comprehensive collaboration withVietnam and will do their utmost to further the ties.
Heagreed to increase the exchange of high-level delegations between thetwo Parties and countries and further cooperation in various areas,including politics, economy, culture, education and science-technology.
ReceivingChairman Yu, President Truong Tan Sang described the visit, which takesplace when the two countries are preparing for a celebration markingthe 65 th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, as a vividmanifestation of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperativepartnership.
He affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State andpeople always respect and remember China ’s great support andassistance, especially during their struggle for national liberation.
Hesaid he wishes the two sides will continue maintaining regular meetingsbetween their high-ranking leaders as well as increasing exchanges andcooperation between their ministries, agencies, localities and massorganisations.
They should foster collaboration in not onlyeconomy and trade but also culture, education-training,science-technology and tourism while intensifying supervisions on theimplementation of agreements reached by high-ranking leaders.
Both sides need to boost positive and sincere negotiations for the satisfactory settlement of sea-related issues, he added.
Forhis part, Chairman Yu confirmed that the inheritance and promotion ofthe friendship initiated by predecessors is a strategic selection of thetwo Parties for the long-term interests of the two peoples.
TheChinese side is actively implementing cooperation agreements withVietnam, he said, expressing his wish to enhance political trust, expandcollaboration in all aspects, strengthen people-to-people friendship,work together to solve differences in a satisfactory manner, andcontinuously consolidate and develop the bilateral friendship andcomprehensive cooperation.
At a reception for the Chineseguest, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung reiterated that the traditionalfriendship between Vietnam and China , fostered by late PresidentHo Chi Minh and late President Mao Zedong together with generations ofthe two countries’ leaders, is a valuable asset of the two nations.
Heasserted that the Vietnamese Party, Government and people always esteemand wish to join their Chinese counterparts’ efforts to consolidate andfurther develop the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategiccooperative partnership between the two countries, contributing topeace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world at large.
Accordingto the PM, despite numerous difficulties facing the bilateral ties overthe past time, with joint efforts by both sides, the relationshipbetween the two Parties and two countries has been gradually restoredand become stable.
He noted with pleasure that high-rankingVietnamese and Chinese leaders have showed their desire to reinforcepolitical trust and boost exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperationbetween the two Parties and the two countries in line with theaspirations and interests of their people.
PM Dung suggested thetwo sides further expand and deepen their win-win collaboration in allfields while increasing high-level visits, actively implementing reachedagreements, promptly deploying two working groups on infrastructure andmonetary cooperation, and promoting economic-trade, investment andtourism affiliation.
Regarding the maritime issues, he urged bothsides to well control the situation, avoid the emergence of newcomplicated problems that harm the relationship.
He stressed theneed to boost sea-related negotiation mechanisms, particularly thedeployment of a working group on the waters off the mouth of theTonkin Gulf.
Border and territorial disputes between the twonations should be solved in the spirit of sincere cooperation, franknegotiation and mutual respect, he said, adding that the two countriesneed to seek solutions that are acceptable to both on the basis of basicprinciples guiding the settlement of sea-related issues reached bytheir high-ranking leaders.
Sharing views with PM Dung, Yusuggested boosting practical cooperation in all fields, especially jointefforts to stabilise the maritime situation.
Earlier, theChinese delegation held talks with President of the Vietnam FatherlandFront Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan, during which the two sidesdiscussed ortienations and measures to further the healthy and stabledevelopment of bilateral ties in the time to come.-VNA