Commentator highly values Russia’s cooperation with Vietnam

A commentator has highlighted the flourishing relationship between Russia and Vietnam in an analysis published by Russia’s Realist news agency on August 12.
Commentator highly values Russia’s cooperation with Vietnam ảnh 1The Hakuryu-5 LFPO oil rig of the Russian oil and gas group Rosneft in Vietnam's waters (Photo: VNA)

Moscow (VNA) – A commentator has highlighted the flourishing relationship between Russia and Vietnam in an analysis published by Russia’s Realist news agency on August 12.

In his article, commentator Grigory Trofimchuk said that Russian’s growing presence in the east, especially Southeast Asia, comes from the real need to enhance integration with the countries of this region.

Vietnam, a comprehensive strategic partner of Russia, is one of the typical examples of Russia’s enhancement of its presence in Asia, he wrote, noting that the two countries are carrying out a wide range of economic cooperation areas, including the effective collaboration in the oil and gas field.

He commented that with the support of Vietnam – a trustworthy partner, Russia will gain a deserving place in the energy map of Southeast Asia.

One of the most convincing evidence of this partnership is Rosneft Vietnam B.V., an affiliate of the Russian oil and gas group Rosneft. This company has conducted high-tech drilling in Vietnam’s continental shelf in the East Sea, enabling it to boost raw material supply, according to Trofimchuk.

Regarding the East Sea issues, he noted his country’s unchanged viewpoint on the need to seriously comply with international law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, along with its support for the acceleration of talks on a Code of Conduct in the waters.-VNA

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