Condolences extended to French Communist Party over death of Raymonde Dien

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations has sent a message of condolences to the French Communist Party over the death of its veteran member Raymonde Dien. ​
Condolences extended to French Communist Party over death of Raymonde Dien ảnh 1President Ho Chi Minh (L) meets with Raymonde Dien (second, left) in Hanoi in 1956  (VNA file photo)
Hanoi (VNA) – The Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations has sent a message of condolences to the French Communist Party over the death of its veteran member Raymonde Dien.

Condolences extended to French Communist Party over death of Raymonde Dien ảnh 2Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets Raymonde Dien (sitting) at Choisy Le Roi City Hall during his official visit to France on March 26, 2018 (Photo: VNA)

The commission also extended sympathy to the family of Raymonde Dien, who is a symbol of the fight against the war by the French colonialists in Vietnam. She passed away on August 19 at the age of 93.
Born on May 13, 1929 in the western part of France, Raymonde Dien is known by the Vietnamese and other peoples in the world for lying on the rail to block a train carrying tanks and other weapons to Indochina on February 23, 1950. Later, she joined other French communists in their support to the Vietnamese people in their fight against the French colonialists and US imperialists, for the struggle for peace for Vietnam.

On September 2, 2004, she was decorated with a Friendship Order by the Vietnamese state.

Even in her last days, she still joined various events on Vietnam, especially those in support of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange./.

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