Sydney (VNA) – The Vietnamese Embassy in Australia has providedupdated information about the Australian government’s adjustment of itspolicies for foreigners amid the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Right after receiving information about Australian PrimeMinister Scott Morrison’s April 3 recommendation that international touristsand students who are not financially secure should leave Australia, the embassyactively contacted with local authorised offices to clarify the leader’sstatement.
Accordingly, in the context of complicated developments ofthe pandemic, the Australian government encourages foreign backpackers toreturn home if they can not support themselves.
For nearly 600,000 foreign students, the governmentencourages them to rely on family support, part-time work where available andtheir own savings to sustain themselves.
Those who have lived in Australia for more than one year areadvised to withdraw up to 10,000 AUD (6,000 USD) of their Australiansuperannuation this financial year to help them through the crisis.
The Vietnamese embassy has popularised these policies to theVietnamese students’ association in Australia, and coordinated with theoverseas Vietnamese association in the country to encourage Vietnamese peoplethere to help them feel secure.
On April 1, Vietnamese Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam and ambassadorsof other ASEAN members states sent a letter expressing wish that Australiawould offer appropriate physical and material support to international studentsfrom ASEAN nations, amid the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The letter was sent to the Minister for Education, theMinister for Foreign Affairs, the Australia-ASEAN Joint Cooperation Committee,and the ministers for education, skills and employment of six states and twoterritories of Australia.
Opening the letter, the ambassadors expressed theirsolidarity with Australia and believed that working together, all will weatherthe existing difficulties.
They hoped that the Australian government, ministries andagencies concerned will consider several flexible regulations to not only meetimportant demands but also offer suitable measures to international studentscoming from the ASEAN countries after the crisis.
The ambassadors pledged to work closely with authorities,federal officials and administrations of Australian states, as well as directlycontacted universities to readily provide necessary information if requested./.