The Hanoi People’s Court on April 4 sentenced Cu Huy Ha Vu to sevenyears in jail on the charge of “conducting propaganda against the Stateof the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” pursuant to Article 88 of thePenal Code.
Vu, born in 1957, also receivedthree-year probation after serving his imprisonment sentence, which wascounted since he was arrested on November 5, 2010.
According to the Hanoi People’s Procuracy’s indictment, from 2009 toOctober 2010, Vu had posted many writings and interviews on the Internetwith contents against the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
These writings and interviewsdistorted the Party and State’s guidelines and policies, defamed thegovernment and State institutions and blackened the Vietnamese people’sresistance war.
During the trial, Vu did not admitto his violations. However, after considering the documents, evidenceand testimony collected during the investigation process, the juryagreed there were sufficient grounds to prove Vu was guilty of“conducting propaganda against the State of the Socialist Republic ofVietnam”.
The jury said this case was serious andVu’s acts were dangerous to society and infringed upon the interests ofthe State and people. However, taking into account the fact that hisfamily made outstanding service to the nation, the court arrived at theseven-year sentence./.