Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 14 for Australian Ambassador to Vietnam Andrew Goledzinowski, during which he suggested the two sides coordinate together closely to well organise celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Australiadiplomatic ties this year, including thorough preparations for the exchange of delegations in the coming time.
Quang expressed his delight at the strong and practical development of the bilateralstrategic partnership in various areas. In particular, two-waytrade hit 16.1 billion USD in 2022, more than 30 times higher than in 2021,making Australia the 10th largest trade partner of Vietnam andVietnam the seventh biggest trade partner of Australia.
According to the Deputy PM, Australia have invested in 579 projects worthnearly 2 billion USD in Vietnam, ranking 20th out of 141 countriesand territories investing in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Vietnam has poured investment in 87 projectsvalued at 540 million USD in Australia.
In United Nations peacekeeping operations, Australiahelped Vietnam four times to transport Level 2 field hospitals to South Sudan, offeredEnglish language training and equipment to the field hospitals. Australia provided Vietnamwith 26.4 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, becoming the second largestvaccine donor of Vietnam.

Goledzinowski, for his part,affirmed that Australia considers Vietnam a close and strategic partner and agood friend. He added that Australia has decided to increase itsofficial development assistance (ODA) funding for Vietnam by 18% during the fiscal year 2022-2023to 92.8 million AUD (61.9 million USD), with the expectation to build more works inVietnam.
The host and guest expressed theirbelief that the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Australiawill keep thriving in various areas in the coming time. They also emphasised theimportance of ensuring peace, stability and cooperation in the region and theworld, and respecting the United Nations Charter and international law./.