Consequently, the management and planning of infrastructure projectsmust be prioritised to ensure the safety of the people, particularlythose living in the affected risk areas.
According to plans,localities across the country will relocate approximately 28,600households from areas at risk of natural disasters.
The Deputy PM has assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment to work with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and theMinistry of Finance to collect proposals from localities outliningtheir respective evacuation schemes.
The Ministryof Planning and the Ministry of Investment and Finance will beresponsible for allocating funds to implement the schemes.
Communication and outreach efforts should be stepped up, particularly inmountainous localities, to reduce the damage caused by floods, flashfloods and landslides, the Deputy PM said, adding that every residentshould be provided with adequate information on natural disasters andappropriate active response measures.
The Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environment will continue to assess and establishflash flood and landslide warning and observation systems in vulnerableareas.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment will advise localities on the implementation of theirrespective evacuation and resettlement programmes, and will ensure theflow of information regarding natural disaster prevention from therelevant national authorities to local units.-VNA