Bangkok (VNA) – The East Sea issue was among thefocuses of the 14th East Asia Summit (EAS) on November 4 afternoon, part of theongoing 35th ASEAN Summit and related summits in Thailand.
Leaders of the participating countries said theEAS is a leading mechanism for dialogue on security and strategies in theregion, noting that the world’s situation is witnessing complex and swiftdevelopments with advantages and challenges intertwined.
Most of them shared the view that the EAS, whichcovers half of the global population, must be consolidated and brought intoplay so as to truly become a forum for leaders to discuss issues relevant toregional peace and stability.
The countries expressed their satisfaction withthe implementation of the Manila Plan of Action to Advance the Phnom PenhDeclaration on the EAS Development Initiative (2018-2020), the adoption of theEAS leaders’ statement on cooperation to combat transnational crime, and thepromotion of sustainable development.
They said the document of ASEAN Outlook on theIndo-Pacific has reflected ASEAN’s vision, principles and priorities incooperation with partners. Meanwhile, the bloc’s partners expressed their hopefor concrete cooperation activities to be carried out soon.
At the summit, leaders spent much time lookinginto the East Sea situation. Most of them called on parties concerned toexercise self-restraint, not complicate the situation, and respectinternational law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (UNCLOS).
They also underscored the importance of the fullimplementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea(DOC), and of the early building of an efficient and effective Code of Conduct(COC) in the waters between ASEAN and China that is in line with internationallaw, including the 1982 UNCLOS.
Addressing the event, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc highlightedthe significance of the EAS, a forum for leaders to dialogue and cooperate forthe common goal of regional peace, stability and security.
He voiced his support for the EAS to foster theadherence to international law and promote the formation of standards ofconduct and frameworks for rules-based relations among countries in the region.
The Vietnamese leader stated the East Seasituation has yet to be truly sustainable since there remain incidents thathave stirred concern, run counter to international law, and may affect peace,stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation.
The PM asked countries to bolster dialogue,build trust, form and share standards of conduct, seriously implement the DOC,and build an efficient and effective COC that is in accordance withinternational law for a water body of peace, cooperation and prosperousdevelopment./.