Over 34,000 hectares werehanded over to local residents to develop the integrated model. Inaddition, the province is currently enlarging 140ha of protection forestfor crab-timber cultivation.
The shrimps and crabs growrapidly under this production model and are free from diseases. So far,the application has generated at least 100 million VND (4,800 USD) inprofit per year for a household.
Lam Thanh Phuc of Phuoc LongCommune, who has 10 years’ experience in applying the rotation of shrimpand rice production on 3.3ha, said the province’s training classes onagriculture and fishery as well as the application of shrimp-ricefarming helped him earn over 150 million VND (7,100 USD) per year.
Integrated farming is considered an excellent sustainable productionmodel and is recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment as an appropriate strategy to address climate change andrising sea levels.
However, Director of the provincialDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development Luong Ngoc Lan said thelocality needed to control the salt water.
The provincialagriculture authority is coordinating with institutions and researchcentres to identify rice varieties with a high salinity tolerance.Furthermore, a salinity control facility should be built to enhancesustainable shrimp-rice farming.-VNA