Seoul (VNA) – An expert of the Republic of Korea(RoK) has expressed his optimism about the future of the RoK - Vietnamrelations, and said the ongoing State visit by his country’s President Yoon Suk Yeol could probably provide a catalyst for the future progress ofbilateral relations.
Talking to the Vietnam News Agency,Prof. Choe Won-gi, head of the Centre for ASEAN - India Studies at the KoreaNational Diplomatic Academy (KNDA), said that the June 22-24 visit is very important because Vietnam is thefirst Southeast Asian country that President Yoon has visited after he took office in 2022, which implies that Vietnam is very important for the RoK.
Last year, when diplomaticrelations turned 30, Vietnam and the RoK agreed to upgrade the bilateral tiesto a comprehensive strategic partnership, the highest level of bilateralrelations that Vietnam has, he noted, perceiving that for the last 30 yearssince the diplomatic relation establishment, bilateral cooperation has beenvery successful, and Vietnam has become one of the most important economicpartners of the RoK.
The economiccooperation has been very successful, on the basis of which he said it is necessary to prepare for the future and upgrade therelations. “For now, what is most important is to substantiate thecomprehensive strategic partnership, so we have to move from just economicpartnership to more comprehensive partnership.”

Looking from the strategicperspective, the RoK and Vietnam have a very high level of strategic conversions,a lot of shared interests in the fields of economy and security, evensocio-economic areas. For example, about 9,000 Korean factories are operatingin Vietnam and about almost 200,000 Korean people and a similar number ofVietnamse are living in each others’ countries, so the level of social andcultural bond is very high, Choe went on.
“I'm very optimistic about the future of our bilateralrelations and the visit of President Yoon to Vietnam this time could probablyprovide a catalyst for the future progress of our bilateral relations,”the professor said.
He held that thebilateral relationship is very successful, both the RoK and Vietnam shouldprepare for the next stage of cooperation of the comprehensive strategicpartnership in order to overcome the limitations of the just economiccooperation. They should expand the areas of cooperation from economics, tradeand investment to diplomacy, defense, and industrial cooperation.
Overall, it is necessary to make a very concrete roadmap to implementthe comprehensive strategic partnership agreement so that the countries havesubstantive progress in terms of deepening and expanding cooperation not onlyin economic areas but diplomatic area, security area, and strategic areas aswell, according to Choe.
Vietnam is now a key member of ASEAN.As the RoK is planning to upgrade the RoK - ASEAN relations to anothercomprehensive strategic partnership and Vietnam is the coordinator of the RoK -ASEAN relations, the two sides have many important overlapping interests.
The two countries need to work onthat, he said, adding he is very optimistic about the future prospect ofVietnam's development, and the diplomatic profile of Vietnam not only in ASEAN but alsoon the global stage has increased quite a lot which is very good news for theRoK.
President Yoon’s visit has alsograbbed the headlines of the Korean media.
Newsis, a privately owned news agency in the RoK, reportedthat the President would have talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Vo VanThuong to discuss measures for enhancing the two countries’ cooperation,especially in economic affairs, and also meet with other top leaders of Vietnam– Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, andNational Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on the second day of the trip, onJune 23.
About President Yoon’s attendance in a business forum with the participation of about 500 Korean and Vietnamese companies, Donga Ilbo newspaper saidsince taking office in May 2022, this is the first time President Yoon has madean overseas trip with such a large economic delegation.
The visit is considered the start of the new 30 years ofbilateral relations. The RoK leader chooses Vietnam, one of its major tradingpartners, as the first ASEAN destination to pay a visit to and also takes thisas a milestone in consolidating policies and foster the levels of partnershipsin economy, supply chains, security, and culture.
The Yonhap News Agency, national broadcaster KBS, and suchbig newspapers as Joongang Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo emphasised the large economic delegationaccompanying President Yoon during the trip. They underlined the importance ofVietnam as the most important manufacturing base of the RoK and also a largetrading partner of the RoK in Southeast Asia.
Meanwhile, naver.com also said this is the biggest economic delegationsince the Government of President Yoon was sworn in May 2022. Its membersinclude Executive Chairman of Samsung Electronics Lee Jae-yong, Chairman of theSK Group Choi Tae-won who is currently Chairman of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry,Chairman of Hyundai Motor Chung Eui-sun, and Chairman of the LG Group KooKwang-mo. Leaders of enterprises from other sectors are also expected to takepart in broad discussions with Vietnamese partners./.