The author noted Vietnam has to date recorded about 2,500infections and 35 deaths. He said to attain these positive figures, Vietnam hasimplemented a zero COVID-19 strategy aiming to end the pandemic rather thanjust controlling it.
He said, to cut the number of infections, Vietnam hasimposed strict restrictions for weeks without any exceptions. When local lifecomes back to normal, it is easier for contact tracing work to be done, headded.
According to the article, Vietnam’s success in repelling thesecond wave of outbreaks helped it to react more quickly and effectively to thethird wave which began at the end of January.
The article pointed out that the Vietnamese Governments can quicklypass anti-epidemic decisions in just a few days, while in other countries itcan take weeks. Its initial measures, such as wearing a mask in public,adjusting social life, and restricting mobility were even in place before thefirst case of COVID-19 was confirmed in in the nation. Not long after that,Vietnam closed schools, restricted entry from China and the Schengen region,and canceled a series of major events. Such early and drastic decisions weremade when Vietnam recorded only five cases, it stressed.
In addition, Vietnamese people have been well aware of theimportance of sanitary and epidemiological measures, while the country has theinfrastructure available for bulk isolation. As of the end of last year, 10.2million people in Vietnam had practiced quarantine, of which about 50 percent didit in public facilities.
According to the author, in Vietnam, there were hardly anydebates about herd immunity, rallies where people did not wear masks and keptminimal distance, or doubts about the effectiveness of vaccination or sanitaryand epidemiological measures./.