He expressed his thanks to Protestant dignitaries andfollowers for partnering with the city in many activities over the past years,especially in health check-ups and treatment to the poor, contributing to thecity’s fulfillment of its socio-economic targets.
Last year, Hanoi met 20 socio-economic targets, includingensuring social welfares and improving local lives, Chung highlighted, adding thecapital city was hailed as one of the top 10 dynamic cities by the James LangLaselle at the World Economic Forum.
Pastor Nguyen Huu Mac, head of the Evangelical Church ofVietnam (North), said Protestants are delighted at the local socio-economicachievements over the past years, adding that they will actively join nationalemulation campaigns launched by the authorities.
The same day, Chung also paid visits to Ba Dinh district’spublic security and Hanoi Zoo Co.,Ltd.-VNA